Book Review
Hello Nature-Netters,
I’m writing to recommend a book on a local environmental subject by a local author.
Thomas Andrews is on the history faculty at CU Boulder. His 2015 book, “Coyote Valley: Deep History in the High Rockies,” is an environmental history of the Kawuneeche Valley on the west side of Rocky Mountain National Park. While the Kawuneeche is outside our county boundaries, RMNP is partly inside Boulder County, and so I justify sharing this book with the BCNA list.
I found this book very readable and interesting; my favorite parts were about the First Peoples and the Grand Ditch. I gained an enriched view of places I’ve hiked and camped in the valley and the NeverSummers, and I appreciated the connections to regional history across the West. (The book also invoked fond memories of Joyce Gellhorn’s BCNA class on elk, willows and beaver.) There are footnotes if you begin to wonder ‘how does he know,’ but these are unobtrusive and easily ignored if you don’t. I did find several of our local naturalists and geographers cited in the notes, as well as numerous dissertation and thesis studies from CU and CSU (take heart, grad students everywhere! someone someday will read what you wrote).
Boulder Books and the RMNP nature stores are among the discerning booksellers who carry the book (in hardback with an attractive cover photo).
–Sandra Laursen
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