Our Advocacy Committee tracks and comments on local conservation issues. The goal of this committee is to secure a “seat at the table” where important local conservation issues are being addressed and solutions developed. We provide strong advocacy for the sound management of open lands and wildlife in our region. The mission is to mobilize BCNA’s broad regional conservation knowledge and passion in order to engage collaboratively in the local decision-making process to conserve and promote resilient natural ecosystems in our region.

BCNA is part of the local decision-making process. The organization has name recognition, a long history, a strong reputation, and technical credibility. Collectively, we have much to offer, including a wealth of knowledge, resources (our membership), and the passion to preserve local ecosystems. We use these assets to make a difference. We cannot afford to sit on the sidelines during these challenging times, especially as we confront unprecedented pressures on the use of our public lands and the impacts of climate change. BCNA wants a say on how our communities move into the future. 

Our approach is low-key advocacy with the objective of getting to know the various stakeholders associated with proposed projects and actions, including decision-makers, and being recognized as a credible organization that will work collaboratively to develop effective, science-based solutions.

Committee members research issues, attend meetings, and make meaningful comments on behalf of the environment, including consideration of alternative approaches and mitigation measures to avoid or minimize negative environmental impacts.

We’d love to have more people working with us! Please send us an email letting us know you would like to join our team.

Current issues and projects that the committee is tracking include the following:

  • Gross Reservoir expansion: Denver Water Board and Stop the Dam Expansion. BCNA plans to hold a webinar with other conservation organizations prior to the County public hearing (anticipated for early spring 2021). The intent of the webinar is to inform participants on the project issues and how to effectively communicate your opinions and concerns to our local decision-makers.
  • Resilient St. Vrain Creek Project: City of Longmont and Stand With Our St. Vrain Creek, a group of Longmont citizens engaged in preserving St. Vrain Creek as important wildlife habitat and the riparian area surrounding the creek as a crucial wildlife movement corridor between the foothills and the plains.
  • Development and visitation pressures on Boulder County open space and wildlife.
  • Prairie dog management in Boulder County and related impacts on open space, agricultural lands, and wildlife.
  • Forest and watershed management including wildfire restoration and mitigation.
  • Climate change and Boulder County and City climate action.
  • The 30 x 30 initiative, which is to protect 30% of our land and water by 2030. This is a global effort aimed at reducing species extinction, promoting biodiversity, improving ecological services, and mitigating the impacts of climate change while promoting equitable access to and uses of public lands.
  • Implementation and enforcement of new Boulder County oil and gas regulations, including control of methane emissions.
  • Site selection, design, and operation of a new Boulder County composting facility.
  • Participation on the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Wildlife and Habitat Roundtable.

Banner Photo © C Cook


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  • events in the natural world of Boulder County and beyond
  • local classes and speakers
  • local environmental issues and actions needed

Boulder County Nature Association

P.O. Box 493, Boulder, CO 80306 | Contact Us