Nature Almanacs from KGNU Radio, 88.5 FM, 1390 AM

    January Nature Almanac Shows:

    • 2024 Missing jack rabbits  
    • 2023 Hike with Bold County Audubon teen naturalists
    • 2022 Solstice hike, poems, and songs
    • 2021 Snow geese
    • 2020 Scott Severs and others welcome solstice
    • 2019 Listen to Steve Jones and others welcome solstice
    • 2018 A rare brown thrasher in Boulder in January
    • 2017 Snow geese and other geese at Dodd Reservoir
    • 2016 Missing Jackrabbits
    • 2015 January Winter Solstice Sunrise Hike
    • 2014 Golden Crowned Sparrows
    • 2013 Cardinals
    • 2012 Wintering birds
    • 2011 Rare CBC find
    • 2010 Christmas Bird Count
    • 2009 Signs of Spring
    • 2008 Waterfowl Sauna
    • 2007 Boulder Snow
    • 2005 Cackling Geese
    • 2004 Christmas Bird Count
    • 2003 December Solstice Hike
    • 2002 Post-9/11 Solstice Hike
    • 2001 Winter Wind Storms

    February Nature Almanac Shows:

    • 2024 Teen Naturalists at Prospect Park  
    • 2023 Bohemian waxwing sightings
    • 2022 The Walter Orr Roberts weather trail at NCAR
    • 2021 Mergansers at Sawhill Lake
    • 2020 Mergansers in Wheatridge.
    • 2019 For the first time, a pink-footed goose is in Colorado
    • 2018 Looking for crossbills and ponderosa pine cones at Betasso Preserve
    • 2017 Ferruginous hawk hunt
    • 2016 Winter constellations
    • 2015 Wildlife at Prospect Park, Wheatridge
    • 2014 Intersection Ravens
    • 2013 Redpolls
    • 2012 Snowy Owls
    • 2011 Valmont birding
    • 2010 Wood Ducks
    • 2009 Bald Eagles
    • 2008 Red Foxes
    • 2007 Rabbits in the Snow
    • 2006 Pygmy Owls
    • 2005 Valmont Res. Ducks
    • 2004 Trumpeter Swans
    • 2002 Bear Canyon

    March Nature Almanac Shows:

    • 2024 Nesting bald eagles
    • 2023 Walking along Heatherwood Trail and Boulder Creek
    • 2022 Nesting great horned owls
    • 2021 Nesting bald eagles
    • 2020 Observing eagles eating “frozen dinners” at Union Reservoir.
    • 2019 Listen as Scott Severs and Ruth Carol Cushman watch a mink capture a northern shoveler.
    • 2018 Eagle nest near Stearns Lake, with nearby development
    • 2017 Calling small owls — a repeat to the 2011 story
    • 2016 Aberts squirrels
    • 2015 Wild elk herd near Coal Creek Canyon
    • 2014 Wood Ducks
    • 2013 Harriers
    • 2012 Signs of Spring
    • 2011 Calling small owls
    • 2010 St. Vrain Greenway
    • 2009 Bald Eagle Nests
    • 2008 Golden Eagle Nests
    • 2007 Valmont Duck Sauna
    • 2006 Dinosaur Ridge
    • 2005 Sandstone Ranch
    • 2004 March Flowers & Birds
    • 2003 Butterflies & Flowers
    • 2002 Mesa Tr. Golden Eagles
    • 2001 Dinosaur Ridge

    April Nature Almanac Shows:

    • 2024 Spring birds in Skunk Canyon                
    • 2023 Easter Daisies at Six-Mile Fold
    • 2022 Heron rookeries
    • 2021 Searching for red-necked grebes on Erie Reservor
    • 2020 Share observations of “”small things” during the Covid-19 pandemic
    • 2019 Find out more about red-winged blackbirds at Coot Lake
    • 2018 Join Boulder Audubon welcoming spring at Sawhill Ponds
    • 2017 Sawhill Ponds migratory returns
    • 2016Phenology along the McClintock Trail
    • 2015 April Heronry
    • 2014 Sandhill Cranes at Midnight
    • 2013 G-T Grackles
    • 2012 American Dippers
    • 2011 Boulder County butterflies
    • 2010 Pasque Flowers
    • 2009 Olde Stage Recovery
    • 2008 Plants at 6-mile fold
    • 2007 Nesting Falcons
    • 2006 Teller Farms
    • 2005 April Fool’s Day
    • 2004 Bear Peak Raptors
    • 2003 Boulder Creek Prairie
    • 2002 Sawhill Ponds

    May Nature Almanac Shows:

    • 2024 Sounds at Cattail Marsh       
    •  2023 Tiny teal ducks
    • 2022 Chorus frogs at Sawhill Ponds
    • 2021 Beavers and beaver deceivers in Longmont
    • 2020 Osprey nest at Sawhill Ponds
    • 2019 Operatic song sparrows
    • 2018 The vanishing house sparrow
    • 2017 Birds found in the mud flats along Boulder Reservoir
    • 2016Early birds in a snowy Skunk Canyon
    • 2015Ospreys and Canada geese
    • 2014Painted Turtles and Snappers Too!
    • 2013 Twin Lakes birds
    • 2012 Early Spring
    • 2011 White Pelicans
    • 2010 Walden Ponds Rails
    • 2009 White Pelicans
    • 2008 Cottonwoods – migrants
    • 2007 Early cactus
    • 2006 Migrant songs
    • 2005 Painted Ladies
    • 2004 Skunk Canyon
    • 2003 Gregory Canyon
    • 2002 Boulder Creek
    • 2001 Walden Pond

    June Nature Almanac Shows:

    • 2024 Western tanagers and summer birding in Lyons                           
    • 2023 American white pelicans  
    • 2022 Greening and bird nesting after the March NCAR burn
    • 2021 Hiking Skunk Canyon to see spring birds such as the chat and catbird
    • 2020 Winnowing snipes at East Boulder Community Center Park
    • 2019 Western tanagers at Waneka Lake
    • 2018 Discussion of vanishing insect populations and a walk along the White Rocks
    • 2017 Tiger beetles and other beetles at White Rocks
    • 2016 Bullocks Oriole at Sawhill Ponds
    • 2015 Spring migrants and shrub nesters
    • 2014 About Nesting Birds
    • 2013 Arnica
    • 2012 Boulder County Mink
    • 2011 Barn Owls
    • 2010 Nesting Birds
    • 2009 Chats & Cold Creek
    • 2008 Heronries
    • 2007 Bluebirds
    • 2006 Boulder Hiking
    • 2005 Swainson’s Hawks
    • 2004 Shanahan Ridge
    • 2003 Baby Prairie Dogs
    • 2002 Baird Park & Flagstaff

    July Nature Almanac Shows:

    • 2024 Fireflies    
    • 2023 Dragonflies and baby red-winged blackbirds    
    •  2022 Snipes and fireflies
    • 2021 Ebony Jewelwing damselflies
    • 2020 Red-winged blackbirds during mating season
    • 2019 Cliff swallows along the Saint Vrain at Sandstone Ranch
    • 2018 Bank swallows along the Saint Vrain
    • 2017 Tiger beetles
    • 2016 Black Phoebes nesting
    • 2015 Warblers
    • 2014 Fireflies
    • 2013 Bobolinks
    • 2012 Orchids
    • 2011 Marsh Wrens
    • 2010 Wet spring effects
    • 2009 Locoweed
    • 2008 Putnam Cicadas
    • 2007 Hermit Thrush
    • 2006 Drought & Dickcissels
    • 2005 Indian Paintbrush
    • 2004 Alpine Butterflies
    • 2003 Baseline Reservoir
    • 2002 Gregory Canyon

    August Nature Almanac Shows:

    • 2023 Butterflies in Long Canyon  
    • 2022 Hummingbirds migrating through Lyons
    • 2021 Nesting birds at Bear Creek Trail
    • 2020 Hummingbirds
    • 2019 Jim Hamm Park
    • 2018 Nighthawks
    • 2017 Chickarees or pine squirrels and their middens at Realization Point
    • 2016 Dragonflies and damselflies at Walden Ponds
    • 2015 Nests and young birds
    • 2014 Bumblebees
    • 2013 Dragonflies, even on a foggy day!
    • 2012 Burrowing Owls
    • 2011 Long Canyon Butterflies
    • 2010 Boulder County orchids
    • 2009 Pine Beetles
    • 2008 Boulder Cnty Moose
    • 2007 Pikas
    • 2006 Wild Fruits
    • 2005 Nesting Barn Owls
    • 2004 Milkweed & Fritillaries

    September Nature Almanac Shows:

    • 2022 Chokecherries
    • 2021 Fall migrants
    • 2020 Echolocation in bats
    • 2019 Red nuthatches
    • 2018 Crickets in the fall: songs, description, mating
    • 2017 Searching for fall migrants along Dowdy Draw
    • 2015 Tall Grass and Soldier Beetle Sex
    • 2014 Lush Grasses and Lots of Bugs
    • 2013 Milkweed Bugs
    • 2012 Tallgrass Prairie
    • 2011 Bus Birding
    • 2010 Turkey Vultures
    • 2009 Colors in tundra
    • 2008 Beavers
    • 2007 Prairie insects
    • 2006 Aspen & animals
    • 2005 Eveningstar
    • 2004 Collecting Mushrooms
    • 2003 Pikas & Marmots
    • 2002 Bugling Elk

    October Nature Almanac Shows:

    • 2023 Rattlesnakes in fall
    • 2022 Looking for bears in fall
    • 2021 Funnel web spiders
    • 2020 Migrating raptors viewed from Green Mountain
    • 2019 Ailing aspen syndrome
    • 2018 Fall at Jim Hamm Park
    • 2017 An eruption of painted lady butterflies
    • 2016 Fall color in the tallgrass prairie
    • 2015 Rattlesnakes
    • 2014 An aspen grove in October
    • 2013 Flooding and nature
    • 2012 Fall bird flocks
    • 2011 Spiders
    • 2009 Pikas & Marmots
    • 2008 Flickers
    • 2007 Fall migrants
    • 2006 Caribou Ranch
    • 2005 Mapleton Hill Trees
    • 2004 Centennial Tallgrass
    • 2003 Sandhill Cranes
    • 2002 Coot Lake Marsh

    November Nature Almanac Shows:


    December Nature Almanac Shows:

    • 2023 Teen naturalists surveying for local raptors
    • 2022 Misplaced migrating warblers in Boulder
    • 2021 Kingfishers along the East Boulder Trail
    • 2020 Mute Swans on Swede Lake
    • 2019 Searching for over-wintering creatures
    • 2018 Yes, vermillion flycatchers can be found in Boulder County
    • 2017 Cedar waxwings in Boulder
    • 2016 Cooper’s Hawks
    • 2015 Bountiful Winter Ducks
    • 2014 December Flood Streambed
    • 2013 How birds deal with cold
    • 2012 Tundra Swans
    • 2011 Wintering raptors
    • 2010 Red Rocks birds
    • 2009 CBC
    • 2008 Elk
    • 2007 Wave clouds
    • 2006 Wintering birds
    • 2005 Mesa Trail Waxwings
    • 2002 Flagstaff Mistletoe

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    • events in the natural world of Boulder County and beyond
    • local classes and speakers
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    Boulder County Nature Association

    P.O. Box 493, Boulder, CO 80306 | Contact Us